Saturday, December 31, 2011

Liebster Award AKA: Showin' Some Love

I'm changing the rules a little.  Instead of my blog being nominated and then my reciprocating, I'm just taking this opportunity to show some love to my favorite blogs.  Although it was tough to pick just 5 because there are so many awesome blogs out there!
My top 5:
This blog helps me keep my philosophy: Teaching should be creative, cost-friendly and fun!

Even though Lindsay is in Texas  (a looong way from Virginia) and she teaches fifth grade (as opposed to me teaching fourth), I feel like she's a colleague of mine.  I also love her sense of humor.

Once again, Nancy is in Jersey and teaching fifth grade, but I feel like she's teaching in my school.  I love her creative ideas and Dollar Store finds. 

There's a reason she's a blogger for Scholastic: She's one of the best!  She's creative, she uses best teaching practices backed up by research and she shares many of her activities and worksheets for free.

These guys make the most amazing educational resources, most of them free or cheaply priced.  They teach 5th grade and like to use elementary school organizational and Daily 5 techniques. 


  1. Thank you for recognizing our blog at:

    We actually teach 5th grade, and have taught 4th grade as well as middle school.

    Thanks for the award!
    Brian and Eric
    Wise Guys

  2. Oh my, I don't know where I got it in my head that you were middle school teachers! I have used your activities and resources, and I love them!
