Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Clutter Free Challenge Week 4

My personal goal goes along with this week's challenge extremely well.  I got rid of my desk, and so far I'm not having any separation anxiety.

I know it doesn't look like I did a ton of work, but let me assure you that I did.  Today was a TWD, and I spend about 85% of it decluttering and arranging this area.

I also fixed my "big honking cord across the middle of the room problem!"

The cord is now covered by the rubber strip that I was apparently supposed to have when the Fire Martial came last month (oops!).  It also travels a much shorter distance, and over half of it is located under a computer table.  Booyah!

Also of note:  The cubbies are sorted, labeled, and decluttered.  The top of the cubbies contains the bare essentials.  Love!

While I'm sure I'm not completely done here, I have made a huge step in the right direction.  I still plan to put a semi-table skirt around the table and to spray paint/polka dot the tin cans I've been collecting as pen holders.  Alas, that will have to wait at least a couple of weeks until I'm caught up on other things.

Here's the next disaster area I'm tackling:
Can you tell what it is?  I'm not sure I would be able to if it weren't my own little monster.  That, my friends, is a closet buried under a sea of there's-nowhere-else-to-put-it-so-I'll-shove-it-in-here.  I have no misconceptions, this is going to take some serious planning and time, but I will do it!


  1. Oh how brave you are to post that picture of your there's-nowhere-else-to-put-it-so-I'll-shove-it-in-here closet. I have one of those (it's a pretty big one, too). I'm scared to put it out there. But, I will. It will encourage me clean it, right?


    Fun in Room 4B

  2. Oh, hey, that looks like my closet! I just got rid of my desk and it's the best thing I've ever done for my classroom. Good luck with the de-cluttering!

    Sara :)

    Smiling In Second Grade

  3. hey hey!! this is a very nice website here and I just wanted to comment & say that you've done a great job here! Very nice choice of colors & layout, very easy on the eyes.. Nicely done!…

  4. Elizabeth: I think all of us joining this organization linky party are brave! I love seeing the before and after pics. They keep my going!

    Sara: Allow me to give you the "just got rid of our desks" high five. It's a great feeling, isn't it?
