Friday, January 6, 2012

Nominations, but Not for President!

Awww.  I was nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award by Scipi at Go Figure!

It certainly is flattering to be called versatile since the people I admire the most are also the most versatile.  You know, the teachers that wear so many different hats (educator, significant other, philanthropist, volunteer, crafter, exercise guru).  I'm nowhere near that versatile outside of work, but I sure do love hanging out with people who are!  They inspire me to try new things or keep up good habits. 

Speaking of versatile, you should check out Scipi's blog.  What a great teacher!

Now, on to the serious stuff.  Here are the Versatile Blog Award rules:

A. Thank the person who presented the award to you and link back to them.
B. Tell seven things about yourself. Hmmm.  This may be harder than I thought, but here goes:

1.  I worked in an ICU as an Administrative Associate (AA) for almost eight years before I got my teaching degree.  This may be where I became obsessive with organization.

2.  While going to college, I usually had two or three jobs at a time.  In addition to the AA job, I also worked as a babysitter, Sylvan lead teacher and private tutor.  Whew!  That makes me tired just thinking back on it and it was only four years ago!

3.  I have a wonderful boyfriend of 3 1/2 years. 

4.  We just bought our first house together in March of 2011.

5.  I despised (with a capital D) math class when I was a kid, but I love teaching it now.  Funny how time and something other than drill and practice will change a person, isn't it?

6.  I have been part of the Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) program since 2001. 

7.  I have a "little" sister through BBBS who is now 16.  We've been matched for eight years!  Oh my, it's bitter sweet to think of how the time has flown by!

Now, I am to pass the award on to 15 newly discovered blogs and let them know they have received this award.  Since I'm new to the blogging world, many of these blogs aren't new (just new to me).
Why don't you check them out, and if you like what you see become a follower?


  1. Thank you so much for the award!


  2. Thank you so much for the award! I really appreciate it! :)

    Teaching in Room 6

  3. I'm Jessie Spano excited (any other 90s kids out there?)! I love recognition and thank you tons for the award!

    If there are any elementary science teachers out there who want some new resources, check out my site!

    The Science Penguin

  4. Thank you so much for the award! I love my blogger friends. I'm looking forward to passing it on to others.

  5. Thanks for the award! What a nice surprise! =)

  6. Thank you for the award! I have posted it
