Wednesday, February 29, 2012

State Testing Prep Part 2: Math

In Virginia, our state tests are called SOLs.  I'm not kidding.  It might as well stand for what you probably think it means, but it's supposed to mean "Standards of Learning."  Ha ha.  Anyway, I've been actively looking for ways to make test prep less painful.

Mary at Guided Math blog had a great suggestion.  By the way, you need to go check out her blog:

She was talking about the free math practice site Sumdog:

This website lets students create individual logins/profiles and it tracks them as they complete levels of math practice problems.  It starts really simple with basic addition and subtraction and works its way up to fractions, patterns, rounding, etc.  It has 122 different math topics from which to choose!


  1. Hey I just awarded you the Lovely Blog Award!!! Come on over to my blog to receive it!

  2. Hey I just awarded you the Lovely Blog Award!!! Come on over to my blog to receive it!
    See you soon! Andrea

  3. I just found you at the linky party! Thanks for the tip about sumdog. I will have to try this with my kiddos.
    Daisy Days for Learning
