Wednesday, March 14, 2012

3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade Bloggers Unite!

I love reading the blogs of the grades surrounding my own grade.  It gives me a sort of reality check.  "If 3rd graders can do this, then surely 4th graders can!"  "If 5th graders will be expected to do this, then I had better give my students a leg up!"

Lorraine at Fabulous 4th Grade Froggies is hosting a link up for all us 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade bloggers. 

Happy blogging, linking, and reading!


  1. Thanks joining my linky party. I am your newest follower! :)

    Fabulous 4th Grade Froggies

  2. I am loving this linky and all the new blogs that I am finding!

    Think, Wonder, & Teach

  3. Found you via the linky! :) Love your blog name! I look forward to reading more of your posts!

  4. I love your mindset about knowing where your students come from and where they're expected to go the following year. I previously taught 2nd and 4th grades and do the same processing with my current third graders.

    I found you through the linky. I'm excited to connect with other intermediate teachers! I'm your newest follower too.

    Christi =)
    Ms. Fultz's Corner

  5. It is an honor to be part of this linky party. What wonderful blogs and resources! Welcome, Christi and Josh. Nice to meet you!

  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    I just joined your blog via Fabulous 4th Grade Froggie's Linky Party. Can't wait to read more.

    Happy Thursday!


  7. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I am your newest follower! Looking forward to checking out your blog! :)

    3rd Grade Times

  8. Love the blog name!

    Found you from the linky party! I am your newest follower! :)

    Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher

  9. I found your cute site through the linky party & I am your newest follower :)

    3rd Grade Thoughts

  10. I'm your newest follower! So glad to have found you through the linky party!

    Loose Shoelaces

  11. Hi Heather,
    You were kind enough to visit my blog. I am your newest follower.

  12. Hi there! I found your blog through the Linky Party, too! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Best of luck on your continued journey in creating your perfect classroom. :)

  13. Hi, Thanks for stopping by my blog! I found your blog via the linky party...fabulous idea, BTW and am your newest follower. :))

  14. I found your blog at the linky party and I'm now following you. I would love for you to stop by and check my blog out when you get the chance!
    Patti :)
    A Series of 3rd Grade Events

  15. Stopping by to say hi...found you through the upper grades linky party, and looking forward to reading more! =)
