Sunday, July 1, 2012

Upper Grades Daily 5 & CAFE Book Study

Calling all upper-grades teachers (that means you, third- through middle school teachers)!  The Daily 5 & CAFE Book Study blog is officially up and running as of today!  Click on the link and join us!

I am just getting into Daily 5 & CAFE for my reading and writing blocks, but I'm super excited about it!  In my humble opinion, the books are written more with a primary classroom in mind, but I also feel like they are easily adapted to suit the needs of upper grades teachers.  Thus, the upper-grades book study!

You can stop by just to pick up suggestions, or you can leave your own experiences in the comment lines.  All suggestions are appreciated and welcome!


  1. I am loving reading all the book studies :)

    Jessica Stanford
    Mrs. Stanford's Class
    I hope that you'll join me for my giveaway ♥

  2. Jessica: I am excited to read more from your blog as well!

  3. I found you via the lInky party a few posts back. I loved reading about all of your music selections. I love that you have them dance to their seats. I am so going to have to try this next year :)

    Kelley Dolling
    Teacher Idea Factory

  4. Kelley: Your blog has a lot to offer me as well:) I also have students "monster walk", "robot walk" and "bunny hop" back to their seats during transition. It's amazing what a couple of minutes of music and movement will do for stamina!

  5. Hi Heather! I'm just stopping by to let you know that I'm giving you the Versatile Blogger award! Stop by my blog to read more about it! =)


    Third Grade's A Charm

  6. I have been reading the Cafe book and want to join the book study. I am enjoying looking through your blog!

  7. Misty: I just realized that I didn't include a link for the book study. I just fixed that. Come join us by clicking on the link!
