Monday, October 16, 2017

Read-Aloud Books for the Secondary Social Studies Classroom

Are you looking for some high-interest books for your secondary Social Studies classroom?  Would you like to read to your classes?  Read this post about the books teachers recommend the most!

Read-Aloud Books for the Secondary Social Studies Classroom: A Long Walk to Water, Refugee, A Moment Comes, Number the Stars, Iqbal, Bamboo People, The Breadwinner, Red Scarf Girl, The Boy on the Wooden Box, My Brother Sam is Dead, Newsela

A Long Walk to Water

This book has very short chapters, sure to keep their interest and great for reading about ten minutes a day.  It's about two children living in Sudan and the long walks they take to get what they need to survive.

Read-Aloud Books for the Secondary Social Studies Classroom: A Long Walk to Water


A newer edition, and another book that has multiple viewpoints telling the story.  This time, it's refugee children from Nazi Germany, Cuba, and Syria.  All are trying to find a safe home.

Read-Aloud Books for the Secondary Social Studies Classroom: Refugee

A Moment Comes 

Based on the Partition of India in 1947,  this book shows covers the event through three teens from very different backgrounds (Muslim, Sikh, and British). 

Read-Aloud Books for the Secondary Social Studies Classroom: A Moment Comes

Number the Stars

A great story about the kindness of families for the refugees of Nazi Germany.

Read-Aloud Books for the Secondary Social Studies Classroom: Number the Stars


Iqbal is based on a true story about child labor in Pakistan.

Read-Aloud Books for the Secondary Social Studies Classroom: Iqbal

Bamboo People

Bamboo people is longer but it gets their attention because they are kidnapped and made into child soldiers in Burma.

Read-Aloud Books for the Secondary Social Studies Classroom: Bamboo People

The Bread Winner series by Debra Ellis

This series is about families coming together to take care of each other under Taliban rule.  The heroine of the story is Afghani girl, who must pretend to be a boy so she can work to make money for her family.

Read-Aloud Books for the Secondary Social Studies Classroom: The Breadwinner

This is set in 1966 Communist China, and how it impacted the life of young Ji-Li and her family as they try to survive under Mao Ze-dong's Cultural Revolution.

Read-Aloud Books for the Secondary Social Studies Classroom: Red Scarf Girl

The Boy on the Wooden Box: How the Impossible Became Possible . . . on Schindler's List 

This is a memoir by a child survivor of the Holocaust.  It details how the main character and his family were saved by Schindler's List.

Read-Aloud Books for the Secondary Social Studies Classroom: The Boy on the Wooden Box

My Brother Sam is Dead  

This is a story about a family divided by the Revolutionary War.

Read-Aloud Books for the Secondary Social Studies Classroom: My Brother Sam is Dead

Newsela Social Studies

For nonfiction leveled texts that you can either read aloud or have students read on their own.

Read-Aloud Books for the Secondary Social Studies Classroom: Newsela

Be sure to come back next week for the second part of the series:  Read-Aloud Books for the Secondary Science Classroom!

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