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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Clutter Free Challenge: Math Manipulatives

The Clutter Free Classroom's new challenge is to organize your math manipulatives. 

I've been working all year on decluttering my classroom, but the math manipulatives are near and dear to my heart.  I've totally redone how I use centers in math, and how I store them.

This is the cart that houses the following things:
  1. Bottom shelf:  Most-used manipulatives like place-value blocks
  2. Middle shelf:  Multi-level measurement and geometry games
  3. Top shelf:  Math activity books, bulky items that don't fit on other shelves (huge clock), and hanging bags that sort activities by topic.  The hanging bags are the most current topics or ones that they ALWAYS need practice in (rounding, yikes!).

This is the math cabinet where I store the older activities and materials, and the ones I don't want the kiddos to have instant access to.

An up-close shot.

If you're interested, you can link up over at her blog.  Happy organizing!

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