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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Angry Birds End-of-Year Activitiy

I wanted to do a fun math activity that wasn't completely "fluff" for the last week of school.  So I did some poking around on the Internet, and here's what I found.

I started by showing the class this video.  This is an EXCELLENT 9 minute video from  The guy in this video is so funny.  Some of the video addresses teachers directly, but the students loved watching it to get an idea of what would be expected of them.

I had the kids bring in their Angry Birds stuffies and various shapes of boxes, which they then wrapped THEMSELVES (hurrah for intermediates!) in bulletin board paper.  I also had them use poster board and 3-D shapes to make their own "nets" and cover them for the shapes that weren't represented.

They then labeled them with the 3-D shape name and money amount they thought the shape would be "worth" if it was knocked down.  We went with $0.25, $0.50, $0.75, and $1.00.  This helped them practice adding decimals and writing money amounts correctly.

We measured a "safe throwing distance" with a meter stick and converted it to feet.  Gotta love anytime you can sneak in converting measurements!

Each new team got to set up the tower in any way they wanted, resulting in about 5 completely different set-ups. 

The team that knocked down the most money won, but everyone had a great time.  No one seemed too worried about who actually "won."

Have you used Angry Birds in your curriculum?  I'd love to know how!


Elizabeth said...

What an awesome activity! Definitely saving for later :)


Fun in Room 4B

Heather said...

Please let me know how it goes, Elizabeth!

Karen Brown said...

I found this Teacher Tipster idea too. Made it with my Grade Twos!!! Except I had a very generous parent who wrapped all the boxes. My students loved it. We even had some rainy days so the kids played it during indoor recess.

Heather said...

That's a great idea to have them play the game during indoor recess! Although, I hope they don't have indoor recess that last week :)