My TpT Store

Sunday, August 12, 2012

DIY: Teacher's Toolbox

I admit, I put off doing this because it looked like it would take a lot of time and effort to make.  Then, I saw Layla's post at Fancy Free in Fourth.

This is a woman after my own heart.  Hello, polka dots!

First step, buy the toolbox from Lowe's for about $20.

Next, print out the cute labels.  Thank you, Layla for the freebie!

Attach the labels to cute scrapbook paper to make them stand out.  I think I've settled on this color scheme, but I have to wait until the tool box arrives.

I'm going to laminate mine so I don't have to do this for a good long while!

Have you given in to the siren song of the Teacher's Toolbox?  I'd love to know how yours turned out!


Megan said...

I made one, and I love it! Filling it up is one of the first things I did when I got back into my classroom.

I Teach. What's Your Super Power?

Heather said...

Mine is in my classroom, and it filled up fast! So glad I did this. Now I just have to take pics of it...

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to resist, but they are very cute! I'm your newest follower and also from Virginia.

Young Daze in 5th Grade