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Sunday, January 10, 2016

How to read a ruler

I have to admit, it took me awhile to fully understand how to properly use a ruler growing up once I was required to measure things to the 1/4 inch.  So, I came up with a visual to help my students understand how to measure to the nearest 1/2 or 1/4 inch.  I still use this process in my head when I'm measuring!

First, they find the nearest inch.  This is also a great time to talk about whole numbers.

Then, they find the half-inch.  This is when we review fractions of a set, stressing that halves are 1 of 2 things in a set.

They continue the process to find the fourths.  We review fractions of a set again, this time stressing how fourths are 1 of 4 things in a set.

Finally, we practice measuring to the nearest 1/2 and 1/4 inch.

If you'd like to use this packet, you can pick up a copy by clicking here.

Do you have any ways to help your students understand measurement or fractions of a set?  I'd love to hear how!

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